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read analog sensor ()

read analog sensor


Read analog sensor () block is a reporter block available in sensors extension for evive and all Arduino boards. The block reports the analog reading varying between 0 to 1023, connected to the selected analog pin.

Available pins:

  1. evive: 10 analog pins available for the user, A0 to A5 & A12 to A15
  2. Arduino Uno: 6 analog pins available for the user, A0 to A5
  3. Arduino Mega: 6 analog pins available for the user, A0 to A5
  4. Arduino Nano: 8 analog pins available for the user, A0 to A7

Available analog sensors:

  1. LDR – Light sensor
  2. Joystick
  3. Soil moisture sensor
  4. Raindrop sensor
  5. Sound/microphone sensor
  6. Gas sensor
  7. Other generic analog sensors

read analog sensor 2

evive Notes Icon
Note: This block is available in both Upload mode and Stage mode.


  1. Displaying the reading of the analog sensor on TFT display of evive.
    read analog sensor example


There are no examples documented for this article.