With technology taking over the steering wheel of the world’s wagon towards the future, more and more people all across the globe are realizing the importance of STEM, an amalgamation of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in a way that enables to relate to the real world and develop skills such as curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and innovation skills, and and need to introduce children to it at quite a younger age.
In a bid to make STEM accessible to students and teachers all around the world, governments and organizations alike have launched and are constantly coming up various programs and initiatives. But the problem herein that holds these initiatives back from reaching their full potential lies in the difficulty to access all the right resources at one place. The players in this domain have done great things, but most end up covering only a fraction – some might provide great training, others with great hardware, and yet others with something else. A few may offer more than one, but the puzzle still remains incomplete at the end.
Not anymore.
The Ultimate STEM Learning Platform
STEMpedia, an omnifarious learning platform for STEM education, provides everything one needs to explore the world of STEM with a learning-by-doing approach. It was born with the aim of enabling students to become the innovators of tomorrow by imparting quality hands-on learning and providing them with world-class hardware and learning resources.
Focusing its attention on children who are new to STEM and DIYing, STEMpedia has developed a beginners’ DIY kit, very aptly named the evive Starter Kit. It includes everything they need to dive into the world of STEM and explore it without fear.
Why Get the evive Starter Kit?
There are many reasons why the evive Starter Kit is the Ultimate STEM learning kit for your child. Here are the top three reasons why you need to absolutely get it:
It’s Comprehensive
As mentioned above, one of the main obstacles slowing down the progress is difficulty in acquiring the right resources easily in one place. But STEMpedia is here to take care of all those worries. The STEMpedia Starter Package is a mighty creator kit for kids and beginners of all ages to give them the perfect start into the world of electronics, robotics, and programming.one needs to explore STEM and develop the must-have 21st-century skills. It comes with evive – the most versatile electronics prototyping platform, contains hundreds of electronic and mechanical components, includes a maker guide with instructions for 20+ DIY projects for experimenting with science, play with circuits, and run robots among other things, and is compatible with STEMpedia’s free visual programming software and project-making app named PictoBlox and Dabble respectively.
And it’s not just us who claims that the kit is comprehensive. DIYers and teachers alike are on the same page with us. Here’s what Julie Smith, ‘The Techie Teacher’, and Cameron Coward from Hackster.io have to say about its comprehensiveness:
It Provides Real Learning
One can find a lot of STEM-based kits and toys in the market these days. But most of them are way too easy to build. Though these kits might give the satisfaction of making a project in less time, they don’t provide the considerable skills that they’re meant to. Many such kits also don’t teach the underlying concepts of the projects and miss out on the why part of learning.
But the evive Starter Kit is different. It not only is fun to work with but also provides effective hands-on learning by teaching the whys of a concept along with the hows. But why are we so much concerned with the whys? Because in a world whose future is technology driven, it is imperative for the young generation to have a basic understanding of how the technology works and develop skills such as creativity and innovativeness to become effective leaders and problem-solvers.

It’s an All-In-One Electronics Lab
Those who’ve made projects before know how tedious it is to go out there and amass the individual components; then going out again for something as small as an LED when one blows up. And then there’s the mammoth task of testing the circuits, detecting faults; the list is endless!
Those days are now over. With hundreds of frequently used components such as motors, servos, resistors, LEDs, different types of sensors, and the brain heart of the evive Starter Kit, evive, you have an entire electronics prototyping laboratory in your hands, quite literally. With its easy-to-use, plug-and-play interface, visual interface, and functionalities such as precise voltage and current sensing and inbuilt mini oscilloscope and function generator, evive is just what every DIYer needs.

In a Nutshell
To make today’s generation future-ready, it is imperative to introduce it to STEM and encourage them to take it up; however, it can be difficult to do so if people don’t have easy access to the right resources. STEMpedia is here to save the day. Its evive Starter Kit is the perfect, all-in-one package with everything – from futuristic tech to engaging learning resources – one needs to delve deep into STEM.
To get one for your kid, visit HERE!