Quarky Robotic Arm Addon Kit
Introducing the 3 Degree of Freedom Robotic Arm Kit with Gripper end effector – the perfect way to learn about manipulator robotics for kids!
- Made for Kids: Easy to assemble and easy to code.
- Unlock a new world of possibilities with our robotic arm: Our robot offers 3 degrees of freedom with industrial robotics tech to give you ultimate precision and control. Tackle pick and place challenges using Artificial Intelligence to control your robot – experience engineering breakthroughs at your fingertips!
- Unlock the power of coding with PictoBlox: Create intelligent projects with ease using our user-friendly block and Python-based coding language. With PictoBlox, take your coding projects to the next level with AI and Machine Learning – imagine the possibilities!
- 10+ Hands-on Activities: With step-by-step instructions, you can easily build projects like gesture-controlled robots, computer vision-based localization for robotic arms, and more!
- Perfect for students of all ages and ideal for school or home use. Get the most out of your learning experience!