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STEMpedia Blog

We educate parents and teachers on the importance of experiential learning in shaping future tech leaders. Our approach prepares children to make groundbreaking advancements in tech.

5 Reasons Why DIY Is AWESOME

Let us be honest with our selves – gone are the days when one needed to certified to be an electrical engineer to fit a…
Human Robot Hand

Connecting Engineering and Humanities

Back in the time of the Renaissance, the ideal goal about education was to make individuals capable of taking up any endeavor. Today’s modern take…

Quirky DIY Projects to Make This Spring

DIY, or do-it-yourself, is all about creativity, learning, and innovation. Not only is it fun, gives the satisfaction of having made something on your own…

5 DIY Fun Summer Projects for Kids

If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? And if Spring ain’t that far behind, then Summer too will catch up quick! So will the…

Dabble – One App for Sensing and Control

Ever since Arduino came into the market, the world of all the current and aspiring DIYers/tinkerers completely changed for the good. But for now, that’s…

The Superwomen of STEM

Women – usually called the better halves of men, ideally speaking, make-up 50% of the global human population. Given the patriarchal beginnings of culture in…

DIY-related Problems? Not Anymore!

Have you ever started working on a project and felt as if the problems within the project are way too high for you to even…

Robotics and STEM Education

Since the birth of STEM, robotics and electronics have taken a central place in the practice of STEM education. One can easily say that one…